Great Planes Electrifly
Build Notes
Z-bends: They recommend beveling the edges of the side you insert the z-bend from. Also bevel the other side, and widen up the hole just a smidge with your blade. A couple of mine are tight and you can't disassemble the z-bends.
Clip Control Horns: They're brittle. If you boil the plastic parts in water, they're less likely to break when you install them. After separating all the plastic parts from the mold, drop them in a small glass of water. Microwave that long enough to boil the water. Let it sit for 10 minutes or so in the water.
Horizontal Stabilizer: Install the stabilizer and elevator before gluing the bottom vertical fuse half on. That's what the instructions say, and they're right. I screwed up and skipped ahead on the directions and had to cut the last 6 inches of lower fuse to get the stabilizer in there :)
Wings on fuse: The directions state to glue the wings to the fuse, then install the Rod Supports (D2) in the fuse. I would figure out which way the Rod Supports go in the fuse and glue them BEFORE gluing the wings on. It's too delicate otherwise. Also, they list to install the Interplane Struts AFTER gluing the Landing Gear Legs. I would install the Interplane Struts at the same time you're gluing the wings to the fuse. The whole process will be less delicate and easier to square up.
Wheel Pants: I hate wheel pants, but I'm going to try them out. They suggest making the bottom of the pant parallel with the wing, but I made mine parallel with the ground when the tailwheel is down. Whatever, just preference.
Battery Connectors: I originally built the Reflection with Powerpoles, but they're just so big. Instead, I'm using Micro Deans. They require 2 hands to disconnect, but they weigh about half the Powerpoles.
Save a little weight: In the center of the 4 fuselage pieces there's 2 carbon rods. The long one inserts full length into the short one. That much overlap is overkill. Cut the long rod so that it only overlaps 2 inches at most.
Landing Gear #1: If you happen to make the mistake of gluing the short diagonal support rods into the leading edge slots (as a friend did), don't fret. Just install the long rods in the trailing edge side and cut them to length. Then drill a hole parallel to and up against the front diagonal support rods (drill through the plastic support in the lower wing). Then you can insert the cut off piece through the new hole, overlap the short rod by an inch, wrap the two rods together with thread and CA the assembly together. The nose of the plane will sit about 1/2" lower, but it'll function fine.
Landing Gear #2: If you don't like landing gear it would be very simple to chop the Landing Gear Legs so they support the wings, but end at the bottom of the bottom wing. Gearless! If you do decide to chop the gear off, do yourself a favor and assemble the wings with the aileron servo on the top wing. This way you won't land on the servo control arms.