Hanger 9 25% CAP232 |
02-03-08 Purchased used
Recently I've been looking at planes in the 1.2ci range. I spoke to a friend in Southern California
and he was getting rid of his CAP232 with a Saito 180. He made me a great deal, so I bought it from
02-24-08 Servo swap
Since I had a handful of Futaba 9202 servos that weren't being used, I figured I'd use them in the CAP232.
I needed to re-wire the receiver for the new Futaba standard wiring scheme anyways. I got all of the
servos physically swapped, but I still have to reverse the direction on some and set limits on them all.
I also still have to investigate the on-board glow driver and what is prepared for the smoke system.
03-16-08 More investigation
I have been wondering how the on-board glow driver works, so I chose today to
investigate. I wasn't too surprised that the battery was dead. While
I had the plane down, I also took the prop, spinner and cowl off. I needed
to fine tune the throttle linkage as well. After that was done I took at
look at the elevator servos. The linkage for those control surfaces runs
at an angle to the fuse. The problem is that the servo horns were
perpendicular to the fuse (and servo), but not the linkage. When
deflecting the elevator up or down, this creates an unequal throw on each side
and can produce a roll effect on elevator. I shortened the linkages and
installed the servo horns perpendicular. I reassembled the cowl, spinner
and prop, then put the plane in the garage to charge the receiver battery and
the on-board glow driver.
03-26-08 Changed receiver, still no glow
I swapped out the Futaba 8-channel FM receiver for a Futaba 8-channel PCM
receiver. I couldn't get the glow driver to function, but I've since
learned that more hardware is required to get this particular glow driver to
function on a PCM receiver. I'll try it with an FM receiver to verify.
04-03-08 Ditched the glow driver
The on-board glow driver uses a battery shrink wrapped with the electronic
circuit board. I tried charging the battery, but I can't get any activity
from it. For now I've replaced it with an everyday glow extension.
04-04-08 Fired up the Saito 180
I started the engine today. Sounds healthy. I thought I had a
throttle cut switch configured, but as it turns out I didn't. I let the
engine idle for a bit while I programmed the switch on my transmitter.
Right when I was going to test it, the motor shut down. I think it loaded
up (a bit rich). I started it back up and tested the throttle cut switch
and it functioned perfectly.
04-16-09 Update
I did fly this plane once last summer. It's tough to find a field
suitable. There's a club starting up near my work and I've joined.
Once the field is built, I should get more flight time with this one.
04-27-10 Tail wheel and receiver switch on
I was ordering a tailwheel for the Piper Cub and saw they have 3 sizes. I
ordered the small one for the Dazzler, the medium one for the Piper Cub and the
large one for the CAP232. I also ordered a power switch for the receiver. I've
been using a 1/8" phone jack, but I've heard that is not a reliable solution.
04-30-10 Order arrived from Tower Hobbies
Hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to install the parts.
05-01-10 Installed the power switch
I installed the power switch today. I also looked into the tail wheel, but
I'm not convinced I'm going to use it. It doesn't line up with the rudder
very well. It requires added some ply to the inside of the fuse for the
blind nuts, then re-monocoating. I'm probably going to keep using the
stock tail wheel for a while and see if the rudder takes any damage.